Access & Parking

Access map of Le Chalet de l’Orée des Bois

To make your arrival at Chalet de l’Orée de Bois easier, in addition to the directions provided by Google Maps or another geolocation application, we have illustrated a small map that can also be shared with your guests…

We look forward to hearing from you! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Accès e Parking Le Chalet l'orée de bois

Parking of Le Chalet de l’Orée des Bois

The car park at Le Chalet de l’Orée des Bois can accommodate around 25 cars. So any tips you can think of to help everyone get to the venue and get around safely are welcome:


  • Meet at the Halanzy station car park (2km) to carpool as much as possible.
  • Park as close as possible to other vehicles, even if parking spaces are not marked.
  • If you see that there are already cars parked along the road, then the car park is full. If you come all the way to the car park, you’ll have to turn around. It’s best to park at the end of rue du Paquis with the others (you’ll still have 200m to walk).


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